CGI Health Club Policy
At CGI Holistic Fitness & Spa, we provide a safe, inclusive, and respectful environment for our members, staff, and visitors. Our policies are carefully designed to promote hygiene, safety, and mutual respect, ensuring a positive experience for everyone. By utilizing our facilities, you agree to follow these guidelines and standards.
General Agreement and Assumption of Risk
Participation in fitness and wellness activities involves inherent risks, including but not limited to physical injuries, illnesses, or equipment-related incidents. Members acknowledge and accept these risks and agree to exercise caution while adhering to all safety guidelines provided by staff.
1. Facility Etiquette and Policies
Check-In Requirements: All members and guests must check in at the front desk. Guests are required to register with valid identification prior to accessing the facility.
Attire and Equipment: Proper athletic attire is required, including closed-toe athletic shoes and fitness-appropriate clothing. Jewelry and accessories that may pose safety risks are discouraged.
Locker Use: Store personal belongings in lockers. CGI Holistic Fitness & Spa is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged items. Day-use lockers must be emptied after each visit; items left overnight may be removed and may be discarded if not claimed.
Sanitation and Cleanliness: Sanitize all equipment before and after use with the provided disinfectant wipes. Towels should be used efficiently and deposited in designated bins after use.
Food and Drink: Food and all non-water beverages are restricted to designated lounge areas. Only water in sealed containers is permitted in all other areas of the club.
Noise Levels: Keep noise to a minimum, refraining from loud conversations or disruptive behavior to maintain a peaceful environment for all.
2. Locker Room and Sauna Etiquette
Quiet Zones: Locker rooms and saunas are quiet zones. Maintain a peaceful atmosphere and keep conversations at a low volume.
Prohibited Items: No cell phones, tablets, or glass bottles are permitted in locker rooms, saunas, or therapy rooms. All devices must be silenced upon entry and kept securely inside lockers.
Sauna Usage: Use a towel on seats in saunas and wear robes or towels as appropriate. Conserve water by turning off showers and taps after use.
Hygiene: Shower thoroughly before, after, and in between sauna or tub use. Refrain from applying lotions, oils, or creams in shared areas to avoid hazards and allergic reactions.
3. Swimming Pool Etiquette
Pre-Pool Hygiene: Shower with soap before entering the pool. Swim caps and goggles are mandatory.
Reservations: recreational swim requires advanced booking via the CGI app. Book in advance and cancel at least 20 minutes before if unable to attend.
Lane Usage: Adhere to your pre-booked reservation time. Share pool lanes and communicate courteously with others when joining or leaving a lane.
Supervision of Minors: Children under 16 must always be accompanied by an adult. Children under 13 are not permitted in the pool except during a private swim lesson with a certified CGI swim instructor.
Prohibited Activities: Running, jumping, or diving in the pool area is strictly prohibited. Wear indoor-only shoes within the pool vicinity.
4. Gym and Studio Etiquette
Sanitization: Wipe down and neatly return all equipment after use.
Cell Phone Use: Phone calls are prohibited in workout areas. Use designated phone zones, such as the lobby, for calls.
Class Participation: Arrive on time for group classes. Late arrivals may not be permitted to avoid disruptions.
Dress Code: adhere to dress code requirements listed in the “special instructions” section of each class.
5. General Conduct and Agreement
​Members are expected to:
Respect shared spaces and fellow members.
Adhere to all posted rules and staff instructions.
Avoid bringing valuables, as CGI Holistic Fitness & Spa is not responsible for theft or loss.
Refrain from inflammatory or defamatory behavior towards staff or other members.
Failure to follow these policies may result in suspension or termination of membership privileges. For questions or further assistance, please contact us at 201-784-5575.
Thank you for choosing CGI Holistic Fitness & Spa. We appreciate your commitment to fostering a positive and respectful community!